Research & Education

Interprofessionals Training

Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Crisis and Emergency Management (CICCEM)

Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Crisis and Emergency Management (CICCEM)

Often, the leader is not identified during crisis situation, causing the resuscitation process to be chaotic.

Although there is an escalation protocol in place, the lapse in delayed escalation usually results in poor communication. This leads to a high level of dissatisfaction among the professional multidisciplinary teams (Doctors, Respiratory Therapists and Nurses).

Using this simulation concept, we can practise in a safe environment without compromising safe patient outcomes. All simulated critical scenarios are derived from real events. The team-based training is more predictable, standardised and safe to reproduce. It facilitates reflection to stimulate deeper learning for trainees.

In conclusion, Intensive Care Crisis management simulation helps to improve effective knowledge acquisition, as well as non-technical skills like communication, leadership and teamwork.

Inter-Professional Crisis Management Simulation Programme

Inter-Professional Crisis Management Simulation Programme

The course aims to teach decision-making skills in a high-stake medical environment and improve team interaction during medical crisis.

This programme is conducted in collaboration with the NUHCS Patient Safety Team, Nursing and Operations/Admin divisions. Real life clinical scenarios are simulated and video feedback is used for performance evaluation. This allows for greater engagement and more active participation.

IPE - Open Cardiac Resuscitation

IPE - Open Cardiac Resuscitation

Cardiothoracic intensive care represents the "perfect storm" - a dangerous mix in a high-stake environment with potential harm to the patient combined with healthcare providers who often do not have sufficient opportunities to manage critically ill patients competently. The care of the patient in cardiothoracic ICU involves a close-knitted multidisciplinary team from operating theatre to cardiothoracic ICU comprising of nurses, respiratory therapists, cardiothoracic vascular surgery surgeons and cardiothoracic ICU doctors.

Facilitating learning in such a complex environment can be challenging as these healthcare professionals are from different disciplines. Hence, it is often a challenge to develop a training program of "one-size-fits-all" bearing, as individuals differ from each other in their learning styles and needs. In order to foster effective delivery of safe and high quality care for patients, there is a need to develop and maintain consistent knowledge and skills of practice across this multidisciplinary team.

Therefore, the aim of this training is to develop and maintain staff competency in adult open cardiac resuscitation in Cardiothoracic ICU through e-learning and simulation.

In conclusion, the IPE- Open cardiac resuscitation training, intensive care crises management simulation helps to improve effective knowledge acquisition, as well as non-technical skills like communication, leadership and teamwork.

Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Code Blue Drill

Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Code Blue Drill

The aim of this training is to equip allied healthcare professionals, physiotherapists, therapist assistants and cardiac rehab nurses with new knowledge and skills on resuscitation.

During this training, these trainees are taught on how to make clinical decisions and collaborate with team members and other healthcare professionals more cohesively, thus improving quality of patient care.

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National University Health System
  • National University Hospital
  • Ng Teng Fong General Hospital
  • Alexandra Hospital
  • Jurong Community Hospital
  • National University Polyclinics
  • Jurong Medical Centre
  • National University Cancer Institute, Singapore
  • National University Heart Centre, Singapore
  • National University Centre for Oral Health, Singapore
  • NUHS Diagnostics
  • NUHS Pharmacy
  • Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
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