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Heart Health

Crossing Borders: NUHCS' First South American Fellow

Crossing Borders: NUHCS' First South American Fellow

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Dr. Leonardo De Carvalho moved to Singapore from Brazil in 2012 to start a new career in NUHCS. While initially apprehensive, he soon assimilated comfortably into the hospitable sunny island.

A Welcoming Environment

I first moved to Singapore on the encouragement of A/Prof. Mark Chan, Senior Consultant, NUHCS, and a great mentor who inspired my career. With two small luggages and an open mind to learn new things and meet new people, I was initially nervous about the cultural differences.

However, those fears soon dissipated as I gradually discovered the amazing and unique culture, and people in Singapore, that made this island an excellent place to live.

Throughout the years that I was here, what impressed me the most about Singapore was the caring nature and generosity of its people.

In particular, my colleagues have looked beyond where I came from, welcomed me into the team and supported my educational endeavour.

Invaluable Training

cross 2.JPGI joined NUHCS as a research fellow and have since transitioned to interventional fellow which lengthened my programme by two years.

The unfailing support I received from my teammates, especially from A/Prof. Mark Chan, also inspired me to help other medical students to achieve their goals.

Singapore is more than just a work place to me as this is also where I built a new family. I married my wife, Fabiana, in 2012 and in 2014, we welcomed our son, Tomas.

I believe that friendships are not built by accident. I would like to thank Prof. Tan Huay Cheem, Director, NUHCS who helped my aspirations come true.

By Dr. Leonardo De Carvalho