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Heart Health

PULSE Magazine Articles

PULSE Magazine Articles

​​PULSE is a biannual publication by the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS).

​A New Pathway In Mitral Valve Heart Surgery
01 Feb 2024

Improved control for surgeons, Better surgery outcomes for patients

Driven to deliver more intuitive techniques and consistent patient outcomes, Prof Theodoros Kofidis, Head and Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS), NUHCS, has crafted a new set of 12 mitral valve techniques improving on current established procedures, with inspiration from Roman architecture. Termed “The Singapore Correction”, the techniques allow for better surgical control through simplifying current procedures, to achieve more uniformity in patient results each time. 

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​A Safer, Better Approach For Heart Rhythm Disorder
01 Feb 2024

Did you know that those with Atrial Fibrillation (AF) are five times more likely to suffer from a stroke? Affecting approximately 1 in 100 people, AF is the most common heart rhythm disorder in the world and afflicts 2.6% of men and 0.6% of women here – a number that is set to rise dramatically given Singapore’s ageing population.

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​Analysing E-CPR In Cardiac Arrest Patients
01 Feb 2024

NUHCS researchers conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis using data from 11 high-quality studies published within the last 20 years, to compare the clinical outcomes of cardiac arrest patients who received E-CPR versus C-CPR. 

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​Fighting for Life During Sudden Heart Failure
01 Feb 2024

Introducing the new Lifesaving Cardiogenic Shock Treatment Approach

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​Getting Your Health Back On Track After A Heart Attack
01 Feb 2024

Acute Myocardial Infarction: Allied Health-Oriented, Patient-Centred Technology-Enabled (AMI-HOPE) Programme

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​Obesity Will Become The Leading Cause Of Risk For Heart Disease By 2050
01 Feb 2024

To project the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), hypertension, hyperlipidemia (or high cholesterol), obesity and smoking, among AMI-incident and AMI-related mortality for 2025 to 2050, Dr Nicholas Chew from the Cardiovascular-Metabolic Disease Translational Research Programme (CVMD TRP) at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine and Department of Cardiology, NUHCS, led a study using data from the Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry (SMIR) from January 2007 to December 2018, focusing on age group, gender and ethnicity. 

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Nursing: More Than You Think
01 Feb 2024
Did You Know? Nurses are empowered to pursue various professional tracks according to their aspirations, to enable them to advance clinical practice, transform care and shape the future of nursing. Take a peek into how our specialised nurses are transforming patient care through their respective fulfilling paths!

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Bridging Hearts, Inspiring Excellence
21 Sep 2023

Held from 21 to 23 September 2023 at Suntec City Convention Centre, the Asian Interventional Cardiovascular Therapeutics (AICT)-AsiaPCR 2023 conference saw an impressive turnout of more than 700 participants gathered together, to uncover the best practices in cardiovascular care across Southeast Asia and beyond.

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​NUHCS Health Screening Carnival 2023
16 Sep 2023

The National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) commemorated the annual World Heart Day in September with a Health Screening Carnival, held at Yew Tee Community Club in partnership with Limbang constituency and People's Association. Graced by Deputy Prime Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) for Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC, Mr Lawrence Wong, the event was attended by over 300 participants who engaged in various fun and insightful activities. In line with the nationwide Healthier SG initiative in driving preventive health, chronic screening tests for high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol were made available at no cost to eligible registered participants to help diagnose for any underlying conditions. 

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​Don't Lose Sleep Over Snoring
19 Aug 2023

On 19 August 2023, NUHCS organised a public health talk titled "Don't Lose Sleep Over Snoring" to spread awareness on Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) – a condition where the throat muscles relax during sleep, causing airway blockage. With up to one in three Singaporeans suffering from some form of OSA, this forum aimed to provide insightful information and tips on managing this under-diagnosed sleep disorder.

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Heartfelt Journeys of Young Heart Warriors and Their Families
22 Jul 2023

​The NUHCS Congenital Heart Surgery Parent Huddle was held on 22 July 2023, in partnership with Congenital Heart Association Parent & Patient Support (CHAPPS), bringing together congenital heart patients and their families to learn more about Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and meet other parents who are also in the journey of caring for a child with CHD.

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​Hearts Aligned For A Gift Of Hope
07 Jul 2023
In commemoration of National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS)’ 15th Anniversary, the inaugural Charity Golf and Dinner Event was held on 7 July 2023, with more than S$1.2 million raised in support of financially disadvantaged heart patients on their journey towards greater heart health, and a hopeful future.

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​A Ticking Time Bomb
01 Jul 2023

Beginning from the lower-left chamber of the heart, the aorta is the largest blood vessel carrying oxygen-rich blood from the heart to vital organs throughout the body. As the body’s main blood supply, a diseased or damaged aorta could lead to a medical emergency of massive internal bleeding if not attended to immediately.

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​Beyond The Call Of Duty - National Awards For COVID-19
01 Jul 2023

In recognition of their public spirit and outstanding contributions to Singapore's fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, about 9,500 individuals from the public healthcare, public, private, and people sectors have been recognised and will receive the National Awards (COVID-19), announced at the 2022 National Day Rally. 

At NUHCS, three received The Public Administration Medal (Bronze) (COVID-19) shares more about how they went beyond their call of duty during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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​Caring Hearts Support Group (CHSG) Turned 5 As One Big Family
01 Jul 2023

As a voluntary initiative by NUHCS patients, the Caring Hearts Support Group (CHSG) was launched in 2018 with the vision to build an inspiring and caring heart patient support group that brings positive changes to the lives of patients and the community.

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​To Balloon Or Not To Balloon?
01 Jul 2023

Time is often of the essence when treating Myocardial Infarctions (MI), also known as heart attacks. Every minute after a heart attack, more heart tissue is damaged or dies, causing irreversible injury to the heart. One of the key life-saving procedures used to treat heart attacks is Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI), also commonly known as “stenting” or “ballooning”.

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NUHCS Opens New Heart Clinic At Jurong Medical Centre
01 Jul 2023

​In order to enhance the heart care services provided to patients in the community, NUHCS Heart Clinic @ Jurong Medical Centre (JMC) is bringing cardiac specialised services nearer to them so they can be treated for chronic diseases, offering less waiting time and easier access to a heart clinic for patients referred in by their primary care physicians.

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The Heart Truth Symposium
24 Jun 2023
A key event in NUHCS’ calendar of public outreach activities, “The Heart Truth” is a yearly talk aimed at increasing awareness about cardiovascular health through sharing of the latest insights by the centre’s heart care experts.

Hosted by local CNA938 presenter Daniel Martin, this year’s event took place on Saturday, 24 June 2023 and was attended by over 250 participants at the National University Health System (NUHS) Tower Block Auditorium. 

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13 May 2023

Shining light into the serious medical emergency, the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), organised its inaugural NUHCS Cardiogenic Shock Masterclass on 13 May 2023 for medical professionals to learn more about this increasingly prevalent condition. Attended by more than 260 participants from around the region, the virtual webinar uncovered emerging technical advances and new directives in the evolving CS field.

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NUHCS Celebrates 15 Years As A National Heart Centre
28 Apr 2023

Established in 2008 to meet anticipated growing demand for cardiovascular health services, we crossed our fifteenth year in 2023 – a momentous milestone as a National Centre in Singapore specialising in the treatment of the most challenging heart, lung and circulatory diseases. As we look forward to realise our vision, we continue to unlock innovations across clinical, surgical and research fronts, towards tackling cardiovascular diseases and improving patient outcomes. 

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Practice Makes Perfect
10 Mar 2023

NUHCS’ Department of CTVS has over the years worked towards becoming the centre of excellence in the region. Several programmes were streamlined to benchmark a higher standard of care. One such initiative to improve the standard of training at NUHCS is the development of the CTVS Simulation Centre. 

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​Discovering Latest Breakthroughs & Best Practices In Cardiology
04 Mar 2023

From 4 to 6 March 2023, thousands of cardiovascular professionals around the globe came together at the American College of Cardiology (ACC) Scientific Session with the World Heart Federation’s World Congress of Cardiology (WCC) 2023, to discuss and impart cutting-edge scientific advancements and innovative practices of cardiac care. The conference commenced with late-breaking clinical trial sessions that drew an overwhelming number of audiences, covering both preventive aspects of cardiology and groundbreaking innovations in interventional cardiology.

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​Evolution of Heart Failure Management
01 Jan 2023

The treatment for HF is often complex and can last over extended periods of time. How patients cope with HF is highly dependent on the time they receive their diagnosis and treatment, as well as their body's receptivity to key medication adjustments. This calls for holistic, personalised care with close monitoring and reviewing of the patient's ongoing condition and medications.

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​Heart Disease Raises Dementia Risk
01 Jan 2023

In the recent Well-being of the Singapore Elderly (WiSE) nationwide study, the prevalence of Dementia was found to be one in every 10 people aged 60 years and above. This disease is well-known to affect more women than men, where two out of three people with Alzheimer’s Disease are women.

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​Pushing Boundaries In Lung Surgery
01 Jan 2023

Patients at NUHCS with lung conditions are usually in their 60s, 70s, and even their 80s. This makes open-chest or multiple-incision surgeries riskier for older patients, as they not only take a longer time to heal but tend to have other conditions that may complicate the surgery. In his pursuit to reduce post-operative pain for lung surgery patients, A/Prof Tam looked to find a better technique that would be safe, reduce surgical risks and have better outcomes for patients. 

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​Unfolding Cardiac Rehabilitation: The Rundown of Cardiac Rehabilitation
01 Jan 2023

Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) is a medically supervised programme designed to strengthen and improve one's cardiovascular health. Beneficial for almost any heart condition, NUHCS Cardiac Rehabilitation is a specialised programme to help patients achieve normalcy in daily living, while reducing the risk of a relapse.

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Saved From Deadly Infection
01 Jan 2023

For more than 60 days, 17-year-old Dante Lin fought for his life relying on the Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) life support. From then, a multidisciplinary team comprising healthcare professionals from both NUHCS and NUH kept a close watch on Mr Lin’s condition, adjusting his treatment accordingly.

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World's Largest Infective Endocarditis Registry
01 Jan 2023

Blood culture-negative endocarditis (BCNE) is endocarditis in which blood cultures using usual laboratory methods remain sterile, and account for 2.5% to 70% of all cases of endocarditis, depending on countries. This geographical variation in incidence is explained by several factors including differences in the diagnostic criteria used; specific epidemiological factors, as it is the case for fastidious zoonotic agents; variations in the early use of antibiotics before blood sampling; differences in sampling and testing strategies; and involvement of unknown pathogens or non-infective etiologies.

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​The Forgotten Heart Valve
02 Sep 2022

On 2 Sep 2022, the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) performed its first Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair (TEER) for the tricuspid valve, one of the heart's four major valves.

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​The Life-Saving Skill You Need
01 Jun 2022

One 16-year-old teenager owes his life to his two older brothers who helped to save him through Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) when he suffered a sudden heart attack at home. Both brothers had never used their skills before but immediately jumped into action, and applied what they learnt in an attempt to resuscitate their unconscious brother. 

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​The Real Cause Behind Mitral Stenosis
01 Jun 2022

A research team from the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) recently won the top Young Investigator Award at two medical conferences – the American College of Cardiology Asia 2021-32nd Singapore Cardiac Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 (ACC Asia-SCS ASM) and the 25th ASEAN Federation of Cardiology Congress (AFCC) – for the team’s research on Mitral Stenosis.

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Holograms: A Game-Changer For Heart Surgery
01 Jun 2022

The Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS), National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) has successfully conducted Singapore’s first holography-guided heart surgery using Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 – a pair of mixed reality smart glasses through which surgeons can view a projected three-dimensional (3D) hologram of the patient’s heart derived from the patient’s Computerised Tomography (CT) scans.

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New Eyes For Surgeons
01 Jun 2022

NUHCS’s innovative Endopsis Retractor System enhances minimally invasive heart surgeries

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NUHCS Services At Ng Teng Fong General Hospital: A New Chapter Unfolds
01 Jun 2022

Dr Loh Poay Huan, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), recently took up the role of the new Head of Cardiology at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH), and will be spearheading the management of cardiovascular health services at the hospital.

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NUHCS Services At Ng Teng Fong General Hospital: A Novel Approach To A Common Deadly Problem
01 Jun 2022

National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) @ Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) has established a multi-disciplinary team of cardiologists to form the new Pulmonary Embolism Response Team (PERT), which introduced a new approach to treat Pulmonary Embolism (PE), resulting in an increased survival rate of patients with high-risk PE to more than 98%. 

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Tackling The Number One Cause Of Death In Women
01 Mar 2022

​Joining the world in celebrating females on International Women’s Day, the National University Heart Centre Singapore (NUHCS) held its Women’s Heart Health Campaign in March to celebrate inspiring life stories from our heart warriors, and raise awareness on the little-known number one cause of death for women in Singapore – Cardiovascular Disease (CVD).

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26 Feb 2022

Moving to the Next Generation Electronic Medical Record (NGEMR) platform is an initiative by Singapore’s Ministry of Health to put in place an advanced centralised electronic medical record system for the country's population. With the NGEMR platform, it allows healthcare providers to provide a seamless patient experience by responding in a cohesive and efficient manner. 

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Robots: Surgical Helping Hand
18 Jan 2022

On 18 Jan 2022, robots joined forces with the surgical team of cardiac and thoracic surgeons and nurses at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) to perform a minimally invasive heart surgery, carrying out a successful Internal Mammary Artery (IMA) harvest – the first robot-assisted bypass surgery in Singapore.

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01 Jan 2022

Cross-training strategy increases nursing competency

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Building A Legacy
01 Jan 2022

​New goals for NUHCS paediatric cardiac surgery, led by A/Prof Laszlo Kiraly, the newly appointed Head of Congenital Heart Surgery Division in the Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery (CTVS) at the National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS).

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01 Jan 2022

​A lookback at the cardiac electrophysiology service in NUHCS

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01 Feb 2021

The National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) team received the National Medical Research Council (NMRC) grant which enabled them to carry out their research to design a new mitral valve. A/Prof. Theodoros Kofidis, the Principal Investigator (PI), tells us more about this invention that seeks to change the way mitral valve operates.

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01 Jan 2020

National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) is proud to announce that Ms. Alice Deo, Nurse Educator, Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit (CTICU), NUHCS has successfully completed her Specialist Diploma in Clinical Education at Nanyang Polytechnic and emerged as the top graduate of her cohort. The PULSE editorial team sat down with Ms. Deo to chat about her journey.

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21 Oct 2019

Two is better than one. When illness strikes, it may be hard for us to get through the tough times. However, the support of our friends and loved ones makes our journey easier. The PULSE editorial team had a chat with Mr. Haris Bin Hussain, 60, to find out what kept him strong throughout his heart recovery journey.

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21 Oct 2019

Everyone faces obstacles in life, some worse than others. When the Pulse editorial team listened to Ashok’s story, what struck the team was his gratefulness for life and deep love for his family. Behind the kind demeanour and warm exterior is a man who has to battle one of life’s toughest trials. However, he has not only emerged stronger but is also ready to grab life by the horns. Here is his story.

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21 Oct 2019

National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) constantly seeks innovation and technology so that our patients can continue to lead quality lives. Asst. Prof. Seow Swee-Chong updates us on the latest leadless pacemaker.

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21 Oct 2019

Cardiosleep explores the complex relationship between the cardiovascular system and sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). However, it remains largely under-recognised by patients and clinicians alike. A/Prof. Ronald Lee presents the efforts made to develop this area.

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CVRI Scores at BCVS 2019
29 Jul 2019

We had the privilege of representing Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI), National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) at the inaugural Asian Cardiovascular Symposium (ACS) and Basic Cardiovascular Sciences (BCVS) Scientific Sessions held from 29 July-1 August in Boston, US.

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29 Jul 2019

Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) is a type of "blood thinner" used to treat heart conditions such as Atrial Fibrillation (AF), an abnormal heart rhythm. Discover how a recent study is helping to improve medication adherence to DOAC.

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Western STEMI Network — A Nexus of Care for Patients
29 Jul 2019

At the heart of Singapore's western health cluster is the Western ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) Network, a joint effort with National University Hospital (NUH) Emergency Department, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital (NTFGH) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).

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Nurturing Future Generation of Doctors — Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency Programmes for Undergraduates and Postgraduates
25 Jul 2019

At National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), we provide undergraduate and postgraduate programmes on cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery for both aspiring and trained doctors who wish to enhance their skills. Since the programmes' induction, we have helped numerous doctors acquire more sophisticated skills for the benefit of patients.

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01 Jul 2019

According to a recent United Kingdom (U.K) study, the number of patients aged 65 and above with significant heart disease now stands at 11.3 per cent. This number is projected to increase exponentially over the next few years due to the rapidly ageing population. National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) has been preparing itself to manage the surge and increasing complexities. Asst. Prof. Edgar Tay Lik Wui shares more about this new endeavour.

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Interventional Cardiology Platform Launched
01 Jul 2019

A new platform for education, research and innovation in cardiovascular interventions in Asia Pacific, AICT-AsiaPCR recently concluded their inaugural meeting at Singapore's Suntec Convention Centre.

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Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection — Not Just an Ordinary Heart Attack
01 Jul 2019

A heart attack is commonly understood to occur due to plaque build- up or rupture in the coronary artery. Sometimes it is not an ordinary heart attack but the result of spontaneous tearing in the coronary artery wall.

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12 Apr 2019

The National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) regularly offers training opportunities for our medical professionals so they can sharpen their saw and improve care for patients. Dr. Peter Chang shares his experiences during a Vascular Interventional Fellowship at National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH).

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12 Apr 2019

What happens to adults born with a heart defect? Through the sub-specialty of adult congenital heart disease1 (ACHD), more efforts are carried out to improve care and treatment including training programmes. Find out more about Asst. Prof. Low Ting Ting's ACHD fellowship in Toronto, Canada.

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11 Apr 2019

Continuous learning is important for healthcare practitioners as technologies and treatments are constantly evolving. Clinicians at National University Heart Centre, Singapore regularly enhance their knowledge to strengthen care for patients. One such clinician, A/Prof. Mark Chan, tells more about his journey to obtaining a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

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05 Apr 2019

The Singapore Cardiac Society held their 31st Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM) from 5 to 7 April 2019. Themed "The Heart and Beyond: Integrated Approach to Holistic Care", this year's conference attracted more than 500 participants from 11 countries. Asst. Prof. Yeo Tee Joo shares the highlights of the meeting.

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Delving Into Heart Failure, LVAD And Transplants — Learning And Working At Cleveland Clinic
04 Apr 2019

As doctors gain more experience and medical know-how, patients stand to benefit from quality care. Thus, National University Heart Centre, Singapore continuously supports our doctors with training opportunities to further expand their skills and expertise.

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01 Apr 2019

As simulation-based training evidently imparts critical care and management skills better than problem-based learning, our centre has developed the Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Crisis and Emergency Management (CICCEM) programme for training surgical teams.

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Sharing Expertise in Vascular Surgery
26 Mar 2019

Over the years, the NUHCS' Division of Vascular Surgery has been sharing their expertise with physicians across the Asia Pacific region. This year, the division is running a series of workshops on vascular pathology for regional specialists

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Crossing Borders: NUHCS' First South American Fellow
06 Mar 2019

Dr. Leonardo De Carvalho moved to Singapore from Brazil in 2012 to start a new career in NUHCS. While initially apprehensive, he soon assimilated comfortably into the hospitable sunny island.

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27 Feb 2019

It may be clear to many of us that a healthy diet and lifestyle lead to better heart health, but are we really eating all the right food and in the right amount?

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01 Feb 2019

Men over 40 have nearly 50% chance of developing heart disease during their lifetime. They must thus take precautionary steps to avoid it from occuring.

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01 Dec 2018

Want to know how you can control your blood pressure? Get the tips from our doctor who appeared in a recent episode of Body SOS.

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A Night of Glitz and Glamour - NUHCS 10th Anniversary Thanksgiving Dinner
23 Nov 2018

As National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) celebrates its 10th Anniversary, 400 staff members gathered together on 23 November 2018 for an unforgettable night of fun and camaraderie with a Thanksgiving dinner at Hilton Singapore.

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01 Nov 2018

Cardio-oncology is a growing field that aims to prevent or treat cancer patients who face heart problems due to its treatments. With the support of National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), Asst. Prof. Tan Li Ling pursued training in this area of specialty.

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Commitment To Enhance Women's Heart Health Services — Expanding Clinical Experience Through Clinical Attachments
01 Nov 2018

To push the envelope for women's heart health, National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) provides a programme dedicated to women with and at risk of heart disease. In 2018, the team had an opportunity to go for clinical attachment programmes in North America.

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Celebrating The Nation's 53rd Birthday — Flying the NUHCS Flag High at NDP 2018
01 Aug 2018

In conjunction with National University Heart Centre, Singapore's (NUHCS) 10th Anniversary, NUHCS is proud to be a part of the National Day Parade (NDP) 2018. As the Contingent Commander for the National University Health System (NUHS) marching contingent, Asst. Prof. Yeo Tee Joo recounts his first-hand experience.

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2017 National Day Awards Investiture: Long Service Awardees
21 Nov 2017

Three staff from National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) were presented the Long Service Award on 21 November 2017 for their loyalty and dedication to the organisation. They share their motivations and what keeps them going at work.

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Go Red @ Clementi
05 Nov 2017

National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) organised an inaugural heart health carnival for Clementi residents! Graced by Guest of Honour, Dr. Tan Wu Meng, Member of Parliament for Jurong GRC, Go Red@Clementi was held on 5 November 2017 at Clementi Community Centre. Residents gained practical tips on how to manage stress, joined in family-oriented workshops such as baking heart-healthy desserts together, and were empowered with information to stay heart-healthy!

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01 Jul 2017

When a passenger on board a flight took ill, Assistant Nurse Clinician Ms. Woo Pei Yoong went beyond her call of duty to render medical assistance to the passenger. In recognition of her act of compassion, Pei Yoong was identified as one of the recipients of 'Our People, Our Pride', which honours staff for their dedication in providing quality care for patients.

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01 Jul 2017

A sudden cardiac arrest may cause a person to lose consciousness within a mere 15 seconds and stop breathing within a minute. In such situations, the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED) may help save a life. Dr. Tan Ze Ying, Senior Resident, Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, University Medicine Cluster, National University Hospital (NUH) recounts how she and other staff came to the rescue of an unwell shopper.

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Reaching New Milestones
01 Jul 2017

CVRI, the research arm of National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), has come a long way since its inception in 2009. Prof. A. Mark Richards gives his take on the development of CVRI and its research grants from then till now.

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01 Jun 2017

The cardiology team at National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) performed a complex rotational atherectomy and stenting procedure ‘live’ to an international audience at the conference. Prof. Tan Huay Cheem, Director, NUHCS shares more about the experience.

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22 Apr 2017

With a strong belief in imparting skills and knowledge, National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) organised the 12th Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Simulator Course from 22 - 23 April 2017. Prof. Tan Huay Cheem, Director, NUHCS gave his insights on this event.

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01 Feb 2017

Occult Atrial Fibrillation (AF), which increases the risk of secondary stroke, is commonly found in Asian cryptogenic stroke patients. Cardiologists are therefore exploring the use of Implantable Loop Recorders (ILRs) to remotely monitor cardiac activity and prevent the recurrence of stroke. Asst. Prof. Seow Swee-Chong presents his recent research study.

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A Journey to Innovation
01 Jan 2017

National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) is home to a comprehensive Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) Programme. This is the result of years of time and effort, investments, envisioning, faith and teamwork.

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Combining Forces To Enhance Heart Care
01 Jan 2017

In January 2017, the Ministry of Health announced the regrouping of Singapore’s six Regional Health Systems (RHS) into three integrated clusters. This brought on a closer partnership between NUHCS’s and NTFGH’s cardiology teams, which are part of the National University Health System (NUHS) cluster.

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01 Jan 2017

National University Heart Centre, Singapore’s (NUHCS) Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) Retrieval Service was created to help patients from other hospitals that do not offer ECMO.

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01 Jan 2017

Launched in February 2014, the Heart Failure Transitional Care (TC) Programme was established to facilitate safe, smooth and quality transitions for heart failure patients from hospital to home setting.

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01 Jan 2017

We often think that cardiovascular care is limited to caring for older patients. However, at National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS), we have the capabilities to care for patients throughout their entire life, from the moment they are born.

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01 Jan 2017

Anomalous Coronary Artery1 is a rare condition that can cause sudden cardiac death particularly in those with abnormal blood vessels. In the USA, this condition accounts for nearly 17 per cent of sudden cardiac deaths in competitive athletes. Asst. Prof. Yeo Tee Joo shares the case of a local athlete.

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01 Jan 2017

Cardiovascular disease has consistently been ranked as the top three causes of hospitalisation and death in Singapore. However, the threat of this disease can be averted if people take preventive measures early. 

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01 Jan 2017

Direct Oral Anticoagulant (DOAC) is a type of "blood thinner" used to treat heart conditions such as Atrial Fibrillation (AF), an abnormal heart rhythm. Discover how a recent study is helping to improve medication adherence to DOAC.

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01 Jan 2017

Asst. Prof. Raymond Wong introduces the launch of a value-added service that helps to treat fluid overload in heart failure patients who do not respond to diuretics.

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01 Oct 2016

In alignment with NUHCS’s patient safety guidelines, four facilities were identified as key service units that require rapid coordinated care due to their high-risk patient profiles and complexity of procedures performed there. The units are Angiography Centre, Diagnostic Cardiology Lab, Diagnostic Nuclear Lab and Coronary Care Unit.

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27 Aug 2016

Actively supporting and cultivating a culture of research, especially among our young clinicians, enables us to continuously find better treatments for our patients. Dr. Sim Hui Wen recaps on the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Congress 2016, where NUHCS not only gained knowledge from worldwide clinicians but also achieved recognition for our research work.

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16 Jul 2016

The Outstanding Nurse Leader Award is presented each year to honour nurse leaders who play a pivotal role in guiding other nurses to deliver great patient care. National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) is proud to have nurses winning the award for two consecutive years and we are excited to anticipate another NUHCS winner next year. Read on as 2016 award winner, Ms. Oon Siow Eng, recounts her nursing journey.

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Healthcare Humanity Awards: Going Beyond the Call of Duty
10 Apr 2016

For three consecutive years, our nurses from National University Heart Centre, Singapore (NUHCS) have clinched the Healthcare Humanity Awards for exemplifying courage, extraordinary dedication, selflessness and steadfastness in ethics, compassion and humanity. This year, Ms. Florence Ang received the award for going the extra mile to not only serve patients at our National Centre but also disadvantaged patients across Asia.

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02 Apr 2016

Formed in 1949, the American College of Cardiology (ACC) has since grown into a network of more than 50,000 medical professionals striving to advance cardiology globally. Dr. Gavin Ng and Asst. Prof. Joshua Loh presented our key highlights at the 2016 ACC Scientific Session.

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18 Nov 2015

With Schroders Singapore’s recent celebration of its 40th anniversary, where it generously donated to The Heart Fund, Ms. Angeline Tan sheds light on an exclusive and heartening story of an organisation that truly wants to make a difference to heart patients.

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