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专业运动员也难逃心脏骤停风险 迅速辨识和急救是关键 (Professional athletes are also at risk of cardiac arrest. Quick identification and emergency response are key)


The death of a 17-year-old Chinese badminton player who suffered a cardiac arrest during the Asian Junior Championships in Yogyakarta, Indonesia has sparked widespread discussion and concern over the immediate medical response at sports events. Asst Prof Yeo Tee Joo, Senior Consultant in the Department of Cardiology at National University Heart Centre, Singapore, advocates for exercising within limits to prevent cardiac arrest, underscoring that the benefits of physical activity generally outweigh the risks when done sensibly.

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一见医生就血压飙升 如何解决白大褂高血压 (Blood pressure spikes at the first sight of a doctor? How to tackle white coat hypertension)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Dr Peter Chang, Senior Consultant in the Department of Cardiology at National University Heart Centre, Singapore, shared about white coat hypertension, a condition where patients experience a temporary blood pressure rise due to medical setting anxiety, which can lead to misdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment. Dr Chang emphasised that blood pressure measurement is crucial, as effective management reduces cardiovascular disease risks. He offered tips to mitigate the condition, including engaging in relaxation techniques before appointments and monitoring blood pressure at home.

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患罕疾重症肌无力 她用毅力一步步走向幸福 (Despite her myasthenia gravis, she perseveres to achieve happiness)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Ms Mui Shieh Fui was diagnosed with myasthenia gravis in 2009 when she experienced double vision and muscle weakness. Dr Kay Ng Wei Ping, Senior Consultant, Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine, National University Hospital, said this is a rare disease which affects 12.4 people per 100,000 population. 

A/Prof John Tam, Head & Senior Consultant, Division of Thoracic Surgery, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, said surgery offers the possibility of improving myasthenia gravis in two out of three patients. In one out of three patients, he or she may not require medication anymore, and another one out of three patients can reduce the dosage of medications used, he added.
Dr Ng adjusted Ms Mui’s medications when the latter was trying to conceive. When Ms Mui became pregnant in 2020, she was closely followed up through weekly appointments with A/Prof Chan Shiao-Yng, Senior Consultant, Division of Maternal and Fetal Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, National University Hospital. A/Prof Chan said about 10 per cent to 15 per cent of babies from mothers with myasthenia gravis may show signs of muscle weakness but this is entirely treatable. Ms Mui gave birth to a healthy boy, who is now three. 

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摄较多代糖“木糖醇”中风死亡风险高近倍 (Higher intake of sugar substitute xylitol nearly doubles risk of death from stroke)

新明日报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

US research suggested a potential link between low-calorie sweeteners like xylitol and an increased risk of thrombosis, stroke, heart disease and death. Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, highlighted that the study was observational and could not definitively prove a causal relationship between xylitol consumption and cardiovascular events. He also noted that many subjects in the study were already predisposed to cardiovascular diseases, due to obesity or diabetes. Nonetheless, Prof Tan opined that reducing daily consumption of sugar is a better option than relying on artificial sweeteners.

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心脏科医生也喝泡泡茶? (Cardiologists also drink bubble tea?)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Dr Yeo Tee Joo, Senior Consultant and Director of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit at National University Heart Centre, Singapore, said he enjoyed bubble tea but stressed the importance of moderation.  He highlighted the health risks associated with high sugar intake and advocated the selection of drinks with lower sugar and saturated fat content, as part of a broader strategy to maintain a healthy diet. 

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Let’s Talk About Health: Deep dive into cardiac arrest

Mediacorp News

Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore spoke on a Ch8 health talkshow on what cardiac arrest entails, its causes and early symptoms, and preventive measures.

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淮沁教授: 三分之一死亡病例 由心脏病中风引起 (Prof Tan Huay Cheem: One third of deaths caused by heart attack and stroke)

新明日报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, officially launched his new book “Clinical Insights: New Knowledge on Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease Volume Three” at City Reading@SG, an annual festival organised by Singapore Press Holding Media's Chinese Media Group. In a seminar on 25 May, Prof Tan highlighted statistics that showed one-third of deaths are due to heart disease and stroke. He further advised that family members of high-risk individuals should call for an ambulance and refrain from self-driving to the hospital when symptoms arise, in order to seek early intervention to improve outcomes.

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狮城有约 | 十分访谈:心脏病患乘机风险 (Risks faced by heart patients while travelling by air)

Mediacorp News

​Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, shared that although extreme emotions such as fear and grief can trigger heart conditions, fatalities arising from air turbulence are rare. He explained that it is generally fine for heart patients to travel by air, even if they had undergone a surgery, as long as their condition has stabilised and their doctor has given them the go-ahead.

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八招预防五大心血管疾病 (Eight ways to prevent top five cardiovascular diseases)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology at National University Heart Centre, Singapore, noted that cardiovascular diseases accounted for 31.4 per cent of all deaths in 2022 in Singapore, surpassing even that of cancer. While approximately 30 per cent of heart diseases are due to genetic factors, Prof Tan shared that over 60 per cent are caused by lifestyle, dietary habits, and environmental influences. He recommended eight ways to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as exercising regularly and making adjustments to diet.

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Heart truths

The Straits Times © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Singapore Heart Foundation chairman Prof Tan Huay Cheem, who is also Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology at National University Heart Centre, Singapore, emphasised the importance of managing risks for heart attack survivors, who are at increased risk of a recurrence. As such patients can also become stressed and develop depression due to the possibility of a second episode, Prof Tan explained that this can be managed if they undergo a cardiac rehabilitation programme that includes exercise, education on healthy living and counselling.

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HAO FM: Interview with Professor Tan Huay Cheem


​In a radio interview, Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant and former Director of National University Heart Centre Singapore (NUHCS), discussed his latest book, Clinical Insights: New Knowledge on Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease Volume Three, which is geared towards raising public healthcare awareness and dispelling misinformation. All proceeds from his book go to the NUHCS Heart Fund.

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胸痛 心脏出问题?(Are chest pains related to heart problems?)

新明日报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Dr Sim Hui Wen, Consultant, Division of Cardiology, NTFGH and Consultant, Department of Cardiology, NUHCS explained that chest pain is a common complaint among patients worldwide, with up to 25 per cent of the general population experiencing it in some form during their lifetime. She also emphasised that while it is a frequent complaint, not all instances point to heart-related concerns. In addition, Dr Sim also elaborated on the treatments aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying cause of chest pains.

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胸痛 心脏出问题?(Are chest pains related to heart problems?)

新明日报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

​Dr Sim Hui Wen, Consultant, Division of Cardiology, Ng Teng Fong General Hospital and Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, explained that chest pain is a common complaint among patients worldwide, with up to 25 per cent of the general population experiencing it in some form during their lifetime. She also emphasised that while it is a frequent complaint, not all instances point to heart-related concerns. In addition, Dr Sim also elaborated on the treatments aimed at identifying and addressing the underlying cause of chest pains.

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陈淮沁教授我手写我心 出书传授正确保健医药知识 (Prof Tan Huay Cheem publishes book to raise public healthcare awareness and knowledge)

联合早报 © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Prof Tan Huay Cheem, Senior Consultant and former Director of National University Heart Centre, Singapore, has devoted 37 years to public healthcare in Singapore. His latest publication, Clinical Insights: New Knowledge on Prevention and Treatment of Heart Disease Volume Three, is geared towards raising public healthcare awareness and dispelling misinformation. All proceeds from his book go to the National University Heart Centre, Singapore Heart Fund.

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Minum air sejuk boleh sebabkan fibrilasi atrium? Apa yang perlu anda tahu tentang penyakit yang berpunca daripada degupan jantung tidak teratur (Can drinking cold water cause atrial fibrillation? What you need to know about diseases caused by irregular he

Berita Harian © SPH Media Limited. Reproduced with permission

Asst Prof Lim Toon Wei, Senior Consultant, Department of Cardiology, National University Heart Centre, Singapore, emphasised that atrial fibrillation (Afib) stands as the most prevalent and clinically significant heart rhythm disorder. He noted that approximately 0.5 to 1 per cent of adults in Singapore suffer from Afib, with an increased risk of stroke and heart failure, particularly for individuals with abnormal heart valves. Asst Prof Lim shared the risk factors and common symptoms of the condition, as well as treatment options, including pulsed field ablation.

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